Building Tri-Lateral Relations between Montenegro, US and All Regions of Israel

The Heartland Initiative recently embarked on a significant trip to Montenegro, a vital step in our mission to foster international cooperation and unity across all regions of Israel. Meeting with officials in the mayor’s office of the capital city of Podgorica, Heartland Initiative Senior Advisors Dr. Mordechai Kedar and Dr. Pedram Bral, Mayor of the Village of Great Neck, NY, along with Montenegro’s Chief Rabbi Ari Edelkopf, engaged in an in-depth dialogue. Their discussions centered on planning upcoming tri-lateral activities between all regions of Israel, Montenegro, and the United States. This collaboration emphasizes a shared vision for community engagement, economic development, and cultural exchange that resonates throughout the diverse communities of Israel. The involvement of such distinguished figures underscores the importance of this international effort, and their collective insights have laid a foundation for strengthening bonds and creating a lasting impact. This meeting in Podgorica marks a promising milestone for the Heartland Initiative, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to building bridges and promoting multi-national understanding and cooperation across the entirety of Israel’s regions.